
FengFa Custom Kitchen Co.

Founded in 2013, FengFa Design Studio is a one-stop home renovation shop intended to make your life easy and your home beautiful. Whether you’re looking to completely transform your kitchen, reface your cabinets, spice up your counter top, or add some life to your bathroom with a custom vanity, you will find yourself smiling whenever you see the home project you envisioned.

​FengFa Design Studio is known for its unparalleled ability in creating stunning and unique interior designs, which are completely customizable by you. Our immensely talented interior designers will make sure that any guest visiting your home is filled with admiration. Your kitchen will be the focus of all of your friends, and they will see yours as a role model when it’s time for them to remodel their own kitchen.

There has never been a better time to add beautify your home.

Visit us, and we will make your home look beautiful.



FengFA Custom Cabinetry & Design Studio

枫·FengFA 作为一家专营家居设计及橱柜定制的有限公司,成立于2013年初。主体是由专业设计师,生产工厂及安装团队组成的橱柜定制公司,同时背书您家居装修,home staging 等相关的各个环节,并提供一站式咨询及项目管理服务。除了FengFA产品质保卡,公司同时提供500万商业保险及工伤索赔,保障您与FengFA员工的健康及财产安全。


